Grow your agency by reclaiming your time with Karl Sakas | Toggl Blog
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Grow your agency by reclaiming your time with Karl Sakas

The Toggl Team The Toggl Team Last Updated:

Karl Sakas, one of the most reputable agency advisors in the industry, breaks down the things to do and not to do with your time to achieve your goals as an agency owner. Join us for actionable tips packed hour and walk away with Karl’s tried and tested Time Bucket Template too!

What you’ll learn 💡

Not everything deserves your time. After all, it’s the ONE resource that should be used with the utmost attention.  Tune in to:

  • Take back control of your time as an agency owner
  • Create the schedule (and the agency) you deserve
  • Push back when employees and clients go too far

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About the speaker 🎙️

Karl helps digital agency owners ‘Work Less’ and ‘Earn More’… while creating professional growth opportunities for agency employees. Drawing on his background in agency operations, Karl has personally advised hundreds of agencies on every inhabited continent. An international speaker, he authorizes three books—including Work Less, Earn More—and more than 400 articles on agency management.

📨 Stay connected with Karl: Linkedin & Work Less, Earn More

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