With Hindsight: Toggl Plan’s Quarter 1, 2023
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With Hindsight: Toggl Plan’s Quarter 1, 2023

Jitesh Patil Jitesh Patil Last Updated:

As the first quarter of 2023 ends, we’re excited to unveil the latest updates to Toggl Plan. You’re in for a few treats!

In the last three months, we’ve added 🥁

  • A running timer ⏲️ with our Plan-Track integration
  • More flexible scheduling to recurring tasks 📅
  • New client timeline to overview a client’s ongoing projects 💰
  • One-tap task scheduling on mobile devices 📱
  • And more

Let’s get started.

Toggl Track integration improvements

We’ve constantly improved our time-tracking integration with Toggl Track over the last few quarters. In the previous quarter, we added a bunch of new features to enhance your time-tracking experience in Toggl Plan.

See a running timer ⏲️ when tracking time from Toggl Plan

You probably already know this—with the Track integration configured, you can track time directly from a Toggl Plan task

Last quarter, we added a new running timer visible on your browser’s tab.

With this feature, keeping an eye on the time spent on a task is a breeze. Quickly locate the browser tab and stop the timer when you need to.

The timer also syncs across all open tabs for the same Toggl Plan workspace—you’ll never lose track of your running timer again.

Improved Plan-Track sync

With the Plan-Track integration, you can track time directly from a Toggl Plan task.

This works for most team members who spend their time working on tasks in Toggl Plan. However, some users need to use both apps at the same time.

Theoretically, you should be able to start the time in one app and stop it in another. Practically, there were some challenges in getting this to work.

The new update fixes this. It automatically syncs the timer in Plan and Track—a slight improvement, but it makes all the difference when using both apps.

Both these new integration updates are currently available only on the web app. You need a Team or Business plan subscription and set up the Toggl Plan-Track integration.

Flexible scheduling for recurring tasks

Scheduling recurring tasks is more versatile than ever before. In addition to having them repeat daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, you now get more flexibility with the new ‘Custom’ option. 

Flexible options to schedule recurring tasks in Toggl Plan

This feature allows you to schedule recurring tasks in any way you like. For example, you can schedule bi-weekly, every X weeks, or quarterly tasks and meetings equally quickly. 

This feature is available for Team and Business plan subscribers on both mobile and web apps.

Client timeline overview

At Toggl Plan, we’ve always prioritized providing a clear overview of your project and team schedules. The Project and Team timelines make it easy to see who’s doing what and when. Plus, you can visualize your team’s capacity to understand who can take on more work (or who’s overwhelmed). 

We’ve added another overview this quarter—the Client timeline.

With this overview, you can see all of a client’s ongoing projects on one timeline. 

As a result, it’s easy for you (and your client) to visualize work and progress across all projects in one place. Plus, it’s straightforward to reprioritize work or adjust the schedule for a specific client.

Currently, this feature is available on the web app only. You’ll also need a Team or Business plan subscription to see the Client timeline.

One-tap task scheduling on mobile

With our mobile apps (Android or iOS), you can now simply click on the timeline to schedule a task. 

This feature is already available on the web app. We added it to our mobile apps in the last quarter. Managers and team members can now schedule tasks and meetings with a single tap, even on the go.

Quality of life improvements

While you try out the new features above, don’t miss these two usability improvements.

Refresh timelines on a new day 🌞

Previously, if you left your workstation on, you needed to manually refresh Toggl Plan to begin a new day.

No more. 

Toggl Plan now detects a new day and automatically reloads. So you’re always looking at an up-to-date timeline when you start your day.

Taskbox usability improvements 📥

The Taskbox lets you keep track of your unscheduled, unassigned, or draft tasks. 

This quarter we made Segments always visible on the Taskbox. This way, you can easily add new tasks to a Segment or move tasks between Segments in the Taskbox.

What are Segments? Like Tags, Segments are a way to organize your project’s tasks. They are visible on a Project timeline’s vertical axis and provide a way to organize tasks into different swimlanes.

What’s your favorite Toggl Plan update for this quarter?

Let us know by sending us an email at support@plan.toggl.com. Don’t hesitate to include questions, feedback, or anything else on your mind. And if you haven’t yet, take Toggl Plan for a spin by signing up for a 14-day free trial.

Jitesh Patil

Jitesh is an SEO and content specialist. He manages content projects at Toggl and loves sharing actionable tips to deliver projects profitably.

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